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    Welcome to Bester!

    • Second Place in the Third Limited Space Operation ...

      In July 2017, Wuhan Bester Group Telecom Co.,Ltd. won the second place with excellent performance in the third limited space operation of China Mobile Beijing Company.
    • Excellent in Engineering Quality Evaluated by Cang...

      In March 2016, the Tianjin-Qingdao optical fiber cable line project (Cangzhou section) of Hebei Cangzhou Mobile interprovincial backbone transport network built by Wuhan Bester Group Telecom Co.,Ltd. was evaluated a...
    • Best Partner of Engineering Construction in 2015

      In December 2015, Wuhan Bester Group Telecom Co.,Ltd. was evaluated as Best Partner of Engineering Construction in 2015 by Jingmen Branch of China Mobile Hubei Co., Ltd.
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